Dr. Christina Treeger

With CSW Attorneys at Law since June 2020
April 2018 until May 2020: SSW Attorneys at Law
Since October 2007: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Between January 1998 and July 2006: Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Namibia, Windhoek
Between January 1998 and September 2007: Attorney at law in various law firms in Bonn and Cologne
Data protection law
IT contract law
International contract law
Administrative law and social law
Implementation of the GDPR in various industries (mainly public sector and non-public sector, including statutory health insurance, software manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers)
Preparation of model contract processing and model joint control agreements for public and non-public bodies (with consideration of ECJ Schrems II)
Processing contracts with IBM and other cloud providers for public and non-public entities with regard to the use of cloud services and SaaS applications
- Treeger, The Establishment of Subordinate Bodies in the European Community, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, 1998.
Book contributions
- Conrad/Treeger, § 34 Data Protection Law, in: Auer-Reinsdorff/Conrad (eds.), Handbook of IT and Data Protection Law, 3rd ed. 2019, C.H. Beck Publishing House
Articles in Specialist Journals
- Treeger, Legal analysis of farmland expropriation in Namibia, Namibian Institute for Democracy, May 2004.
Beethovenstr. 6
80336 Munich
+49 89 543 49-120
+49 89 543 49-111
Admitted to the bar in 1998
Acquisition of the written certificate of achievement as a specialist lawyer for international business law, April 2015