Ines M. Hassemer

Since June 2020: Of Counsel at CSW Attorneys at Law
September 2001 until May 2020:
SSW Attorneys at Law Tax Consultants Financial Auditors
March 1995 until August 2001:
Law firm Eckstein and Leitner
IT criminal law
Criminal data law
Commercial criminal law with special focus on information technology
Advice on the implementation of new or existing processes in a company to avoid criminal liability, focussing on compliance and IT security aspects
IT security measures
Evaluation of processes within companies and data crime law
Business consulting and training to avoid IT-related legal risks in the areas of IoT, outsourcing, employee data protection and IT security
Book contributions
- Hassemer, § 43 Criminal Law in the Field of Information Technologies (Part 1), in: Auer-Reinsdorff/Conrad (eds.), Handbook of IT and Data Protection Law, 3rd ed. 2019, C.H. Beck Publishing House
- Hassemer, Criminal Law Consequences of the Violation of Employee Data Protection, in Weth/Herberger/Wächter/Sorge (eds.),
- Data and Personality Protection in the Employment Relationship, Practical Handbook on Employee Data Protection, 2nd ed. 2019, C.H. Beck Publishing House
- Hassemer, Crimes related to information technology, in: Schneider (ed.), Handbook of computer law (chapter E), 5th edition 2017, Dr. Otto-Schmidt Publishing House
- Hassemer, Unauthorized Access to Secure Data and Databases under closer examination of § 202a German Penal Code, in: Conrad/Grützmacher (eds.), Law of Data and Databases in Business, Cologne 2014, Publishing House Dr. Otto-Schmidt.
- Hassemer/Schneider, Hardware purchase, in: Redeker (ed.), Handbook of IT Contracts, loose-leaf., Cologne 2014 (updated in the meantime by Schneider)
- Hassemer/Lejeune/Schneider, Source Code Deposit, in: Bernecker/Söbbing, Insolvencies in the IT industry, 2003.
Articles in Specialist Journals
- Hassemer, Cybercrime, Risks from a Corporate Perspective, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2017, 90
- Hassemer, Liability Privilege of the Host Provider also in Criminal Law, Comment on the Order of the Berlin Court of Appeals dated August 25, 2014, Ref.: 4 Ws 71/14 – 141 AR 363/14, NJW 2014, 3801.
- Hassemer, Review: Graf, Criminal Procedure Law, New Legal Weekly (NJW) 2013, 1866
- Hassemer, The so-called Hackers paragraph § 202 c German Criminal Code (StGB) -Criminal IT Risks in Companies, JurPC Web-Dok. 51/2010, para. 1 – 47
- Hassemer/Ingeberg, Criminal Aspects of Dual-Use Software, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2009,84
- Hassemer, Review: Fischer, German Penal Code (StGB) and ancillary laws, New Legal Weekly (NJW) 2009,1054
- Hassemer, Limits of Seizure in the Field of Information Technology, A Criminal Law Overview,
- IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2008, 107
- Hassemer/Witzel, Filtering and Controlling Traffic- Is Corporate Email Filtering Lawful?
- IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2006, 139
- Hassemer, Review: Marberth-Kubicki, Computer and Internet Criminal Law, StraFO 2006, 131
- Hassemer, Risks in the IT-sector, civil law liablity – criminal law responsibility, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2004, 253.
- Hassemer/Bischof, Right of use clauses, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2003, 256
- Hassemer/Witzel, Subsequent fulfillment for the purchase of standard software,
- Options for Regulation in General Terms and Conditions, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2003, 109
- Hassemer/Witzel, Individual software creation – § 651 German Civil Code (BGB) and the reorganization of the “acceptance procedure”., IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2003, 62
- Hassemer/Witzel, Effects of Warranty Extension in the IT Sector, IT Legal Advisor (ITRB) 2000, 112.
- Deutsche AnwaltAkademie (German Lawyers’ Academy), lecturer in the specialist lawyers’ course for IT law since its introduction in 2006, subject: Criminal law in the field of information technologies.
- 15th OSE Symposium, Criminal Relevance of Cyber Security Measures, Munich, January 31, 2020.
- 36th Fall Colloquium 2019, 20th IT Forum: Access to Data in the Enterprise – Internal and External Digital Attacks in the Focus of Current Legislation, Munich, 8. and November 9, 2019
- 15th Karlsruhe IT Law Day, IT and Data Criminal Law, Current Risks of IT-based Business Processes, Karlsruhe, March 19, 2018.
-, IT and Data Criminal Law: Risks in Digitalized Companies, Munich, March 15, 2018
- 4th German IT Law Day, thematic block Cybercrime-IT Criminal Law: Risks from a Corporate Perspective, Berlin, April 28, 2017.
- 13th Karlsruhe IT Law Day, Criminal Access to Data in the Company, Karlsruhe, March 19, 2016
- 5th Munich Specialist Lawyers’ Day, The unauthorized access to secured data under closer examination of § 202a German Penal Code (StGB), Munich, October 29, 2015.
- Autumn Colloquium of the Criminal Law Working Group of the German Bar Association (DAV) , The so-called Hacker Paragraph, Criminal Law IT Risks in Companies, Berlin, 14.11.2009
- IT Security Fair itsa 2012, Lawyer meets IT – Legal Aspects of IT Security The Hacker Paragraph: Criminal Law Risks of the IT Security Industry, Dual Use Software and the New Case Law of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Nuremberg 2012.
Beethovenstr. 6 80336 Munich
+49 89 543 49-119
+49 89 543 49-111
Admitted to the bar in 1995
Additional qualification: Specialist lawyer for criminal law, awarded: March 1999